2024年(nián)5月12日(rì) 星期日(rì)

首頁 . 工(gōng)學




時間:2022-06-08 作(zuò)者: 來(lái)源:工(gōng)學 點擊:4018




2019-01 , 天津師範大學, 物理(lǐ)與電信工(gōng)程學院, 副教授

2015-12 2018-12, 天津師範大學, 電子與通信工(gōng)程學院, 講師(shī)

2013-07 2015-11, 天津師範大學, 電子與通信工(gōng)程學院, 助教




1. Yang Ruizhao, Li Yun, Qin Binyi*, et al. Pesticide detection combining the Wasserstein generative adversarial network and  the residual neural network based on terahertz spectroscopy[J]. RSC Adv, 2022, 12(3): 1769-1776.

2. Shubao Pan, Qin Binyi*, Bi Lvqing, et al. An Unsupervised Learning Method for the Detection of Genetically Modified Crops Based on Terahertz Spectral Data Analysis[J]. Security and communication networks, 2021, 2021,1-7.

3. Li Yun, Qin Binyi*, Zheng Jincun, et al. Intermolecular weak interaction of imidacloprid investigated by terahertz spectroscopy and theoretical calculation[J]. Optik, 2021, 241.

4. Binyi Qin, Li Zhi, Hu Fangrong, et al. Highly Sensitive Detection of Carbendazim by Using Terahertz Time-Domain Spectroscopy Combined With Metamaterial[J]. IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology, 2018, 8(2):149-154.

5. Gan Jingzhong, Qin Binyi*, Li Yun, et al. Resolution of overlapping terahertz spectra using non-negative matrix factorization base on pure variables initialization[J]. Optik, 2018, 176:600-610.

6. Qin Binyi, Zhi Li, Tao Chen, et al. Identification of genetically modified cotton seeds by terahertz spectroscopy with MPGA-SVM[J]. Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, 2017, 142:576-582.

7. Qin Binyi, Zhi Li, Zhihui Luo, et al. Terahertz time-domain spectroscopy combined with PCA-CFSFDP applied for pesticide detection[J]. Optical and Quantum Electronics, 2017, 49(7):244.

8 Yin Xianhua, Mo Wei, Wang Qiang, Qin Binyi*. A Terahertz Spectroscopy Nondestructive Identification Method for Rubber Based on CS-SVM[J]. Advances in condensed matter physics, 2018, 2018,1-8.

9Binyi Qin, Li Zhi, Luo Zhihui, et al. Feasibility of Terahertz Time-Domain Spectroscopy to Detect Carbendazim Mixtures Wrapped in Paper[J]. Journal of spectroscopy, 2017, 2017,1-8.

五、 教學與科(kē)研項目

1.低濃度有機(jī)污染物的太赫茲光(guāng)譜特征分(fēn)析及快(kuài)速檢測方法研究,國家自(zì)然科(kē)學基金專項項目 項目起止時間:2021.01- 2021.12,主持。

2.太赫茲傳感器優化設計(jì)及其在農藥殘留檢測中的應用研究,廣西自(zì)然科(kē)學基金青年(nián)基金項目,項目起止時間:2020.01- 2023.12,主持。

2024年(nián)5月12日(rì) 星期日(rì)

首頁 . 工(gōng)學




時間:2022-06-08 作(zuò)者: 來(lái)源:工(gōng)學 點擊:4369




2016-01 , 天津師範大學, 物理(lǐ)與電信工(gōng)程學院教師(shī)

2012-09 2015-11, 中南(nán)大(dà)學, 材料物理(lǐ)與化學, 博士

2008-09 2011-06, 湘潭大(dà)學, 凝聚态物理(lǐ), 碩士

2004-09 2008-06, 河北師(shī)範大(dà)學, 物理(lǐ)學, 學士



四、 近年(nián)代表性論著

1. J.W. Wang; M. Song; Y.H. He; H.R. Gong ; Stability, adsorption, and diffusion of hydrogen in Pd3Ag phases, Journal of Membrane Science, 2015, 503: 124-131.

2. Ji Wei Wang; J.L. Fan; H.R. Gong ; Effects of Zr alloying on cohesion properties of Cu/W interfaces, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2015, 661: 553-556

3. Ji Wei Wang; Y.H. He; H.R. Gong ; Various properties of Pd3Ag/TiAl membranes from density functional theory, Journal of Membrane Science.


1.國家自(zì)然科(kē)學基金委, 應急管理(lǐ)項目, 11847144, 漂移波湍動中超熱(rè)電子的動力學研究(參與)

2.國家自(zì)然科(kē)學基金委, 應急管理(lǐ)項目, 11647077, 瓶頸通道中雙向行人(rén)流的相(xiàng)變動力學特性研究(參與).